I’m taking a Woodworking I class at The Crucible! Here are some photos from day 1 and 2.
We are each going to build a little square side table like this:
The first thing we did was make a “story stick” as a reference for all the measurements in the table.
Then we cut some wood to roughly the dimensions of the table legs and aprons (the side pieces) using a circular saw and a miter saw.
One of the resulting apron pieces (which will later be cut in half for two aprons):
Next we used the jointer to flatten one face and one edge and make them perpendicular to each other:
And then the planer to get two parallel, smooth faces. Forgot to take a picture of this machine!
Next, we used the table saw with the most square edge against the fence to cut the exact width of each apron (also forgot to take a photo).
The instructor had some demo pieces showing how we are going to connect the legs and aprons, with a mortise and tenon. There’s an easier but less sturdy way:
And a more complicated cut with a “haunch” that will supposedly stabilize things.
Everyone’s been very friendly and I am beyond thrilled to be learning this stuff, but it’s also a bit overwhelming. The class is going fast!
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